Where the River Meets the Sea

I realised that everyone on the planet was engaged in a common experience. I was part of a greater whole. I was not alone. I’m thinking how rivers lose their edges and merge with the sea. Are rivers trembles with fear before entering the sea? Do they look back at the path they have travelled?…

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Goat in the garden

Many years ago four or five cows were grazing here. These were hospital cows. Sušak hospital had its own farm. They had their milk, their pigsty, their chicken coop, their vegetable garden. Every doctor had to dig a little. When there was a harvest or a slaughter they had to go. Back in the days,…

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Missing tree

12 years ago I start to practice aerial silk in Zagreb. When I return to my home town Rijeka I wanted to find a place for train.    I start to research outdoor possibilities to hang my fabric. I find only a few places. One  tree on Trsat but on a private land, one tree in park Vladimira…

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The story of parking

This is me. Nataša. I grew up in Pazin. It is the kind of place where everyone knows each other. And there is plenty of parking. So this is my Rijeka story. And yes, it is about parking. It has drama, tragedy, and a lesson.  You will like it, I think. 20 year ago, as a new student, I arrived at the…

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So soft and light

„Girls, did you know, that Rijeka has the most clean drinking water in the area? It has a specific taste. Popularly known as Rijeka’s water.“ These were my dad’s words when he was driving my sister and me to see the city and to go for cake and water. I was living near Rijeka, on…

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