Where the River Meets the Sea

I realised that everyone on the planet was engaged in a common experience. I was part of a greater whole. I was not alone. I’m thinking how rivers lose their edges and merge with the sea. Are rivers trembles with fear before entering the sea?

Do they look back at the path they have travelled? Are rivers feels like it will dissapear forever when they meet the edge of the sea?

Do rivers let go everything what they are holding on? Do rivers feel that brief, terrifying moment of freefall before emerge with sea. Are rivers vulnerable?

I was telling myself. Be like a river. Soft, watery, dark, life-giving, flowing, shape-shifting. Fall if you need to fall. Land where you need to land.

Rivers are telling us a lullaby for the ultimate unknown, and the threshold where and when we will meet again with something bigger than us.

Rivers knows that it’s not about dissapearing into sea, it is becoming a sea. What lies at the other shore at the end of this time? Truly, I don’t, and can’t know right now.

I only know that I need to be fully where I am, to be with all that unfolds in my body, heart, and mind; to live my intention into being and to bless my wild soul.

Author: Martina Stažnik, facilitator TISA – Association for sustainable learning

This digital story has been realised within the European project “Stories Behind the Cities”, founded by Creative Europe Programme, European Commission.